Distinguished Service Order

The Distinguished Service Order was a a military order for officers only, and while normally given for service under fire or under conditions equivalent to service in actual combat with the enemy, it was awarded between 1914 and 1916 under circumstances which could not be regarded as under fire. After 01 January 1917, commanders in the field were instructed to recommend this award only for those serving under fire. Prior to 1943, the order could be given only to someone Mentioned-in-Dispatches. The order is generally given to officers in command, above the rank of Lieutenant-Colonel and awards to ranks below this are usually for a high degree of gallantry just short of deserving the Victoria Cross.

Major Frederick Jackson Alderson DSO
Lieutenant-Colonel Samuel Boyd Anderson DSO
Major Frank Fauquier Arnoldi DSO
Bar to the DSO – He handled his battery on all occasions with marked determination and skill. His work in connection with the retirement from SELTYO and the battle of TOULGAS on the 11th. Nov. 1918 was of a very high order. He has made many times difficult reconnaissances, and to him is largely due the splendid technical fitness and offensive spirit of the battery.
Lieutenant-Colonel Anthony John Beswick Bailey DSO OBE ED
Major JD Baird DSO
Lieutenant-Colonel Arthur Henry Birks DSO ED
Brigadier Henry Eversley Boak DSO
Major FP Boothe DSO
Major EG Brooks DSO
Lieutenant-Colonel Russell Hubert Britton DSO
Colonel Edward Geoffrey Brooks DSO OBE
Major GA Browne DSO
Major William James Gordon Burns DSO
Colonel Edmund Graves Meredith Cape DSO
Lieutenant-Colonel Henry Gurney Carscallen DSO VD
Lieutenant-Colonel Frederick Thomas Coghlan DSO VD
Lieutenant-Colonel Frederick Minden Cole DSO VD
Major-General Charles Francis Constantine CB DSO
Lieutenant-Colonel Lawrence Vincent Moore Cosgrave DSO
For conspicuous gallantry in action. He carried out several reconnaissance’s under very heavy fire, and explored the enemy’s wire in daylight, displaying the greatest courage and ability throughout.
Bar to Distinguished Service Order
For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty when a lorry in the middle of an ammunition convoy was blown up and six casualties occurred, he supervised the removal of the wounded under heavy shell fire by having the lorries nearest to the burning one removed he minimized the effects of the second explosion when two more lorries blew up. He showed great courage and resource.
Major EG Cowley DSO
Major Charles Stuart Craig DSO MC
Lieutenant-Colonel John Jennings Jack Creelman DSO
General The Honourable Henry Duncan Graham Crerar PC CH DSO
Major CR Crocker DSO
Lieutenant-Colonel RB Dale-Harris DSO
Lieutenant-Colonel SH Dobell DSO
Brigadier-General Wlliam Okell Holden Dodds CMG DSO VD
Major JL Drewry DSO
Lieutenant-Colonel CM Drury DSO
Lieutenant-Colonel Adelbert Augustus Durkee DSO
Major-General William Henry Pferinger Elkins CB DSO CBE
Major GR Flawn DSO
Major-General William Wasbrough Foster DSO EM
Lieutenant-Colonel Edward Theodore Barclay Gillmore DSO VD
Major A Gibson (Gib) Goldie DSO
On 6 June 1944 during the invasion of Normandy, Major Goldie, 12 Field Regiment, Royal Canadian Artillery acted as a Forward Observation Officer for the shipborne guns of his regiment, directing their fire onto the enemy’s beach defences. This necessitated his small craft being in the forefront of the invading fleet to within range of the enemy’s small arms weapons. Under very difficult conditions of poor visibility, rough sea and enemy gun fire, he effectively neutralized their defences, thus enabling the 6 Canadian Armoured Regiment and the Royal Winnipeg Rifles to get ashore with comparatively light casualties. On landing he assumed the duties of Second-in-Command and deployed the regiment on the immediate beaches affording continuous support to the infantry. Major Goldie has continued since D Day to reconnoitre and deploy the regiment in every position it has occupied, most frequently under heavy fire and deployed well forward. Of the especially difficult ground of Calais and the south bank of the Scheldt his work and leadership have been of the highest order. His cool judgement, personal courage and continued devotion to duty have been reflected in the quick and accurate response of the guns both by day and night for five months, which has inspired the troops of the 7 Canadian Infantry Brigade with complete confidence in their guns.
Lieutenant-Colonel Harold Seaman Griffin DSO
Colonel William Grasett Hagarty DSO
For conspicuous gallantry during operations. After an excellent reconnaissance he succeeded in bringing his battery into position by night, over difficult ground and under heavy shell fire. He did fine work next morning.
Lieutenant-Colonel HM Hague DSO
Major Ralph Price Harding DSO MC
Lieutenant-Colonel Edward Maurice Hodson DSO
Lieutenant-Colonel Robert Ernest Hogarth DSO
Major David Neil Hossie DSO
Lieutenant-Colonel William George Hurdman DSO
Brigadier Walter Court Hyde DSO
Major Cyrus Fiske Inches DSO MC
Major-General Ralph Holley Keefler DSO
Major-General William Birchall Macaulay King CMG DSO
Major Lesmere (Les) Forrest Kirkpatrick DSO
Brigadier Francis (Frank) Dwyer Lace OBE DSO ED
Major ML Lahaie DSO
Lieutenant-Colonel John Napier (Herm) Lane DSO
Brigadier Walter Creighton Leggat DSO
Brigadier Leggat has commanded 2 Canadian Army Group Royal Artillery since November 1944 an throughout the period of his command has shown ability and courage of a very high order. In the operations leading up to the capture of Kapelsche Veer in January 1945, the artillery employed included the artillery of the Polish Armoured Division as well as that of 2 Canadian Army Group Royal Artillery. Brigadier Legatt rendered very capable advice on the divisional fire plan for his own formation. Throughout Operation Veritable which resulted in the clearance of the enemy from the left bank of the Rhine, the role of the artillery was of great importance. Brigadier Legatt had six regiments under command throughout this operation which lasted over a month. He was personally responsible for the initial positioning of the guns of these regiments at the outset of the operation and throughout the following weeks of very strenuous fighting, frequently under heavy fire, he himself reconnoitered the successive gun positions. He also worked out a counter battery program which operated with tolling effect. Due in a very large measure to his efforts the formation under his command made a most important contribution for the success of numerous engagements during this period. In all these operations Brigadier Leggat has shown leadership of a high order. By the force of his personality he has encouraged the regiments under his command to put forth extraordinary efforts and by his imperturbability under fire he has exercised a steadying influence on all ranks under difficult conditions.
Lieutenant-Colonel Edwin Woodman Leonard DSO
For gallant and distinguished conduct in the field.
Brigadier-General Edward Murray Dalziel (Teddy) (McNaughton) Leslie DSO
Lieutenant-Colonel McNaughton brought 1st Regiment, Royal Canadian Horse Artillery to Korea in the spring of 1952 and has commanded them ever since with outstanding courage, ability and success. No one could have given greater personal devotion to supporting his affiliated 25 Canadian Infantry Brigade and his regiment has reflected this high standard of duty. His regiment has also given equally devoted support whenever required to the rest of the Division. This officer has boundless enthusiasm and energy with which he has enthused the whole of this fine regiment. Visiting his forward observation posts with the forward infantry, arranging fire support and controlling the fire of his guns, he has been on the spot wherever and whenever required. The devotion of his Canadians to their guns, the courage and steadfastness of their forward observing parties and linesmen and the high technical efficiency of the whole regiment reflect the high courage, sense of duty and efficiency of their commanding officer.
General Charles Falkland Loewen GCB KBE DSO
Major DC MacDonald DSO
Major Atwood Talbot MacKay DSO
Major John Keiller MacKay DSO
For conspicuous gallantry in action. When the personnel of his O.P. had become casualties, he went forward under very heavy fire and re-established the O.P. 200 yards beyond our front line, and resumed communication with his battery. He remained forward all day, commanding his battery from this exposed position, and sending back most valuable information.
Brigadier-General Charles Henry MacLaren DSO
Lieutenant-Colonel Frank Cormack (Mik) Magee DSO
Major Robert Frank Massie DSO
Brigadier Albert Bruce Matthews CBE DSO ED CD
Major D McCarthy DSO
Major Alexander Ogilvie McMurtry DSO
For conspicuous gallantry during an attack. When the infantry were held up by machine gun nests he went forward with a section of his battery and took up a position in the open, and though subjected to machine-gun fire, he was able, by using open sights, to disperse the enemy, thus clearing the way for the infantry advance. His coolness and resource throughout the operations were most marked.
General Andrew George Latta McNaughton PC CH CB CMG DSO CD
Major William Broder McTaggart DSO
Major SJ McWhirter DSO
Brigadier-General James Henry Mitchell DSO
Major-General Sir Edward Whipple Bancroft Morrison KCMG CB DSO
Lieutenant-Colonel Harry Everett Murray DSO
On 21 July, 1944, Lieutenant-Colonel Murray, Commanding Officer of 2 Canadian Anti-Tank Regiment, was carrying out coordination and checking of the anti-tank gun positions in the Camerons of Canada area at St. Andre-sur-Orne. Having been advised by the forward infantry commander that enemy tanks were feared to be forming up ahead in ground out of observation and that fire was denying our use of vital lines of communication, Lieutenant-Colonel Murray personally went forward to high ground in front, and by this close observation located seven Panther tanks in a hollow before him.
In spite of the constant enemy shelling and small arms fire, this officer went back and personally directed the man-handling of a 17-pounder anti-tank gun to a position where fire was brought to bear on the enemy tanks, with the resultant destruction of four of the seven and withdrawal of the remaining three before enemy fire finally put the 17-pounder out of action.
During this brilliant engagement, which was carried out in full view of the enemy and under continuous fire from enemy tank, artillery and machine guns, Lieutenant-Colonel Murray was personally present in control and gave necessary orders to the gun detachment. By his own disregard of danger both in his reconnaissance and during the action, Lieutenant-Colonel Murray was an inspiration not only to his men, but to all the infantry locally.
Lieutenant-Colonel ED Nighswander DSO
Lieutenant-Colonel Alexander Thomas Ogilvie DSO
For conspicuous gallantry and ability on September 2nd, 1918, near Vis-en-Artois. He maneuvered his brigade from the extreme left of the corps front line into a forward position in support of the centre. He made a rapid reconnaissance of the new situation under heavy shell fire, and was in a position to cover the infantry with all his batteries before the former were in position to commence the attack. He was able, through his own reconnaissance and that of his F.O.O.’s to give the infantry brigadier much useful information, and through the day rendered very valuable support to the infantry.
Major-General Henri Alexandre Panet CB CMG DSO
Lieutenant-Colonel GGK Peake DSO
Lieutenant-Colonel John Jenkin Penhale DSO
Lieutenant-Colonel John George Piercey DSO
Brigadier Edward Chester (Johnny) Plow CBE DSO
Lieutenant-Colonel A Powis DSO
Lieutenant-Colonel Glen Avon Rankin DSO
For the past six months Lieutenant-Colonel Rankin has commanded 17 Canadian Field Regiment with distinction. During March and April operations in Holland he was outstanding in devotion to duty. He acted as representative to Commander, Royal Canadian Artillery at infantry brigade headquarters throughout and deployed the guns with unusually sound foresight. These fluid actions demanded frequent and rapid movement of batteries over wide areas and it was due entirely to the unceasing efforts of this officer that the regiment was able to provide continuous effective fire support for the infantry. The successful accomplishment of the various complicated moves during this period is exemplary of the highest state of efficiency of the regiment. Lieutenant-Colonel Rankin has maintained his regiment at a high standard of discipline and training which was displayed when his men repelled a savage and concentrated attack by eight enemy infantry on the regimental gun position near Otterloo on the night of 17 April 1945. During the five day battle for Delfzijl, commencing 21 April 1945, this officer was responsible for fire control of two field regiments, two heavy anti-aircraft batteries, one heavy artillery battery and one armoured regiment, each calibre of gun being required to bring fire to bear from time to time over a frontage of 20,000 yards. By maintaining close personal liaison with forward observation posts and forward troops Lieutenant-Colonel Rankin secured up to date information of the tactical situation. As a result of these visits, often under heavy fire, he was able to organize and put into operation a flexible fire plan which ensured immediate and effective artillery support throughout the action, culminating, in the final phase, in a concentrated effort of his entire resources on the final objective. Throughout his period of command, Lieutenant-Colonel Rankin has displayed initiative and aggressiveness and his regiment, as a result of its training and fighting spirit, has brought honour to the Corps of Artillery and 5 Canadian Armoured Division.
Major ME Reiner DSO
Major-General John Hamilton (Ham) Roberts CB DSO MC
Lieutenant-Colonel Francis Arthur Robertson DSO
Major FB Rolph DSO
Brigadier Richard Edward Graham Roome CBE DSO ED
Lieutenant-Colonel JR Ross DSO
Major GC Savage DSO
Lieutenant-General Guy Granville Simonds CC CB CBE DSO
Brigadier Hebert Alan Sparling DSO
Lieutenant-Colonel Henry William Sterne DSO MBE CD
Lieutenant-Colonel Sterne accompanied 81 Field Regiment to Korea and has commanded the regiment with outstanding ability and success during operations in this theatre. He has shown tactical ability of a high order and an intimate knowledge of the battle and has provided at all times sound advice for his superiors and expert guidance to his subordinates in the employment of artillery. His technical skill, enthusiasm and energetic direction have proved to be an inspiration to all ranks of the regiment and have resulted in a high standard of unit efficiency. Demands for artillery support have been heavy and continuous and the successful defence of territory against frequent enemy assaults is a tribute to the fine efforts of the regiment under this officer’s command in supporting the brigade and the division. His leadership has been of a personal nature and through constant visits to forward observation posts and gun positions has provided inspiration to his officers and men in arranging fire support and directing the fire of his guns. The effectiveness of the artillery support was largely due to his intimate knowledge of the ground gained through daily visits, under shell and mortar fire, to the forward positions and observation posts.
Brigadier James Crossley Stewart CBE DSO
Brigadier Cecil Valentine Stockwell DSO
For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty during an attack. He went forward with the infantry and established an observation post in a village when the enemy were still in it. From this point he directed the fire of 400 rounds from his battery into the retreating enemy with excellent effect. He continued to observe and control fire, although the post was subjected to heavy bombardment and received direct hits. By his daring the advance of the infantry was greatly facilitated.
Brigadier ER Suttie DSO
Lieutenant-Colonel RD Telford DSO
Major-General Herbert Cyril Thacker CB CMG DSO
Colonel DK Todd DSO
Brigadier Percy Arthur Stanley Todd CBE DSO ED
Major EW Tremblay DSO
Major HR Turner DSO
Lieutenant-Colonel RHE Walker DSO
Colonel Roland (Roly) Humphreys Webb DSO
Major GA Welsh DSO & Bar
Major EE Westcott DSO
Lieutenant-Colonel McG Young DS & Bar
Colonel William Smith Ziegler CBE DSO ED