OP Take Post 2025 – Commemorative Battlefield Tour – 2 to 11 May 2025
The Royal Canadian Artillery Association is planning an 80th Anniversary Liberation of Holland Commemorative Battlefield Tour from 2 to 11 May 2025.
-The 80th Anniversary of the Liberation of Holland will be a major event – the very last major event while veterans of the Second World War are still with us. These commemorative events in Holland every fifth year are always a big deal – but this one will be special.
-The Royal Regiment of Canadian Artillery played a major role in the Second World War, especially in the Liberation of Holland.
– Veterans Affairs Canada (VAC) will be the lead Department for Canada in official ceremonies, and the Department of National Defence (DND) will support the VAC efforts (typically a multi-service Guard, Band, Logistics support, Security, VIPs, airlift, etc.). Elements of the Gunner community will most certainly be involved in the VAC-led events, but so will all elements of the CAF be represented.
– Separate from the “official” GOC activities, many Branches/Corps, Regiments, Associations, and travel companies will be organizing commemorative trips to participate in the 80th Anniversary of Liberation of Holland.
To enhance cohesion, morale, and esprit de corps of The Royal Regiment by commemorating and celebrating the accomplishments of our predecessors during the Liberation of Holland 1945.
Concept and Scope
-Conduct a ten-day battlefield study immediately prior to and during the 80th anniversary of the Liberation of the Netherlands.
– Aim for 30 to 40 deserving Non-Commissioned Members and Junior Officers representing every Regular Force and Reserve Artillery unit, who will be sponsored through raised donations.
– Invite other serving, retired Gunners and their families, Association members and others, who will pay their own way.
– Aim for two bus loads of participants (80-90 pax). – Engage a professional company that specializes in battlefield studies, with professional historians.
– Arrange all travel activities (flights, land travel, hotels, meals, insurance, etc.) through a professional travel agency.
– Conduct with the assistance of the RCAA, a major Non-Public fundraising campaign at national, local, and unit level to raise approximately $6,000-6,500 per person. Ideally each participating member should contribute $500 towards the trip.
-Identify a Point of Contact per unit that will engage with the national organising committee.
Designated Regimental Serving members – Download the attached information sheet, review the itinerary, and contact your chain of command to determine how you can participate in the tour. In all likelihood there will be an expectation that there will be a requirement to fundraise portions of the cost. Your chain of command will forward your information to the Tour Project Manager, Major (ret’d) Richard Gratton rgratton1534@gmail.com.
Non-serving members – Download the attached information sheet, review the itinerary, fill in the attached booking form and contact the travel agency, Merit Travel for detailed information and your deposit of $600.00 before 4 November 2024. Seats are limited.
Become a Donor!
There are 4 Regular Force Regiments, 16 Reserve Force Regiments, 3 Independent Batteries, The RCA School and the RCA Band. It is hoped that all 25 units will designate 2 deserving individuals to attend this event and will embark on local fundraising events.
The RCA Association is seeking corporations and individuals to support the designated regimental serving members in their fund-raising ventures. We would suggest the following categories:
Platinum level – $20,000 supports four soldiers on the tour – Sponsors at this level will be provided a presentation from one of their sponsored soldiers at the end of the tour, daily updates from their sponsored soldiers during the tour, wreath laying on their behalf at ceremonies, recognition on printed material, and recognition on the RCA-ARC.org website.
Gold level – $10,000 supports two soldiers on the tour – Sponsors at this level will be provided daily updates from their sponsored soldiers during the tour, wreath laying on their behalf at ceremonies, recognition on printed material, and recognition on the RCA-ARC.org website.
Silver level – $5,000 supports a soldier on the tour – Sponsors at this level will be provided daily updates from their sponsored soldier during the tour, wreath laying on their behalf at ceremonies, recognition on printed material, and recognition on the RCA-ARC.org website.
Bronze level – $3,000 support – Sponsors at this level will be provided recognition on printed material, and recognition on the RCA-ARC.org website.
Supporter level – Less than $3,000 support – Sponsors at this level will be provided recognition on the RCA-ARC.org website.
Donors will be provided a Charitable Tax Receipt and can be forwarded through the following button, an E transfer to treasurer.rcaa.aarc@gmail.com or a cheque made out to the Royal Canadian Artillery Association and forwarded to the Royal Canadian Artillery Association, 10 Lancewood Crescent, Brampton, Ont. L6S 5Y6