International Artillery Associations
The home of the Australian Gunners (Australian Artillery Association Inc) is a website created by the Association for Gunners all over Australia and is dedicted to every “gunner” that ever served in the Royal Australian Artillery, Regular, Reserve, Citizen Military Force, Australian Imperial Forces or Militia. The site is extensive and contains a wide variety of information relating to the life of a serviceman in the Corps of Artillery.
The Royal Australian Artillery Historical Company is a public company and a volunteer not- for- profit organisation of members. The Company’s core purpose is to promote the significance of Australia’s Artillery, its history and heritage. The RAAHC is the lead organisation for information and knowledge on Australian Artillery, past and present. The Company will strive to position itself as an organisation that is viewed as being the first for knowledge on Australian Artillery with a mission to promote the significance of Australia’s Artillery to the Australian Community.
The Australian Air Defence Artillery Association is a not for profit organisation founded to foster a brotherhood of camaraderie for serving and ex-serving members of the military that are or have served, in an Air Defence Artillery Unit.
The Association has its origins in 2006 and became an entity in July of 2008. On the 27th January 2009, The Association was officially incorporated in accordance with the Associations Incorporation Act 1985. (SA) and later in the same year it was formally recognised by the Department of Defence. The Association works closely with 16 Regiment, formally 16 Air Defence Regiment, and provides mutual support to members through connections with old mates. The Association also provides representation and raises the issues of members, organise reunions and promotes the interest of members.
The National Federation of French Artillery is an association made up of the fellowship of former or active artillerymen who have adhered to its statutes approved by the board of directors and benefactor members. The federation maintains close relations with the active army including permanent liaison with the Artillery School, participation of members of the FNA and associations in ceremonies organized by artillery units, visits to units and joint organization of events.
The Artillery Club supports the preservation of the Irish Artillery Corps unique legacy and distinctive traditions, promotes professional excellence, provides a focal point for remembrance and camaraderie, in order to encourage and foster the Corps admirable Esprit de Corps.
New Zealand
The Royal New Zealand Artillery Association was formed in 1934 as an advocacy group in welfare matters for both serving and non-serving New Zealand Gunners. It is a medium for continuing Gunner camaraderie, keeping in touch with and bringing together both present and past soldiers who have served the guns. Today, the Association’s members are active in maintaining an effective support network; participating in reunions and gatherings; preserving historic sites, archives, equipment and memorials; attending commemorations and parades; sponsoring trophies and awards; and encouraging public awareness and interest.
South Africa
It is the mission of the Gunners’ Association of South Africa to promote fellowships and camaraderie amongst all Gunners, whether from the Field Artillery, Air Defence Artillery, Anti-Tank Artillery, whether serving or retired; to promote Gunner Traditions and preserve Gunner Heritage, and to provide welfare and educational support to Gunners and their families.
United Kingdom
The Royal Artillery Association (RAA) was established in 1920 for the purpose of supporting serving or retired members of the Royal Regiment of Artillery (“Gunners”), furthering Gunner comradeship and looking after the welfare of ex-members of the Royal Artillery and their dependants. The Objects of the RAA are to promote the efficiency of the Royal Artillery by maintaining contact between past and present members of the Royal
Artillery, fostering mutual friendship between them and providing social gatherings for them. The RAA fosters esprit de corps, comradeship and the welfare of the Royal Artillery and preserving its traditions. It relieves either generally or individually past and present members of the Royal Artillery, and their dependents, who are in conditions of need, hardship or distress.
United States of America
The United States Field Artillery Association (USFAA) was formed to promote the efficiency of the Field Artillery by maintaining its best traditions, to cultivate with the other arms a common understanding of the powers and limitations of each, to foster a feeling of interdependence among the different arms and of hearty cooperation by all and to promote understanding between the regular and militia forces by a closer bond.
The Air Defense Artillery Association mission is to support Soldiers, family members, retirees, and veterans by fostering a spirit of unity and esprit de corps among all members of the Air Defense Artillery community.