Meritorious Service Medal

The current Meritorious Service Medal was created on 6 June 1991 and recognizes a military deed or activity that has been performed in a highly professional manner or of a very high standard that brings benefit or honour to the Canadian Forces.

Major James Edward Allen MSM CD
Awarded on: May 29, 2009; Invested on: November 13, 2009
Major Allen was deployed to Afghanistan with the Kandahar Provincial Reconstruction Team, from February to September 2008. While leading the Civil-Military Cooperation Company, he engaged key Afghan leaders and local communities on behalf of multinational aid agencies to ensure development projects were deployed where they were most needed. His mentoring of district government officials improved governance and security across 10 districts of Kandahar. Major Allen’s exceptional leadership and professionalism contributed significantly to the stabilization and development of the province.

Captain Ian Wentworth Anderson MSM CD
Awarded on: December 27, 1993; Invested on: September 30, 1994
On 25 August 1992, serving in the United Nations Protection Force in Sarajevo as a Liaison Officer with the Serbian Army Corps Headquarters, Captain Anderson organized treatment of the wounded under artillery fire at Lukavica. On 24 September 1992, he volunteered to supervise a body exchange at Azici between Muslim and Serbian forces, with the assistance of Egyptian peacekeepers. Enroute, his armoured personnel carrier struck an anti-tank mine, wounding him in the explosion. During the ensuing exchange of fire between local forces, his presence of mind restored the composure of the Egyptian peacekeepers, and he led the party to safety. Captain Anderson’s sound judgement, professionalism, diplomatic skills and leadership personify the highest standards of the Canadian Forces peacekeepers.

Brigadier-General Stuart Alexander Beare MSM CD
Awarded on: April 5, 2006; Invested on: February 19, 2007
Brigadier-General Beare is commended for his outstanding performance as the Commander of the Multinational Brigade Northwest of the NATO Stabilization Force in Bosnia-Herzegovina from September 2003 to September 2004. Throughout his posting, he led the transformation of the multinational team from a stabilization force to a deterrence presence. Under his leadership, the Multinational Brigade Northwest partners were ready to adopt the deterrence presence posture well ahead of the flanking multinational brigades. Brigadier-General Beare provided exceptional service in this key command position in support of Canada’s continuing participation in the stabilization force. His contributions reflected highly on the Canadian Forces and on Canada.

 Lieutenant-Colonel Timothy James Bishop MSM CD
Awarded on: October 25, 2006; Invested on: February 19, 2007
Acting Lieutenant-Colonel Bishop is recognized for the superb professionalism he displayed during Operation ARCHER Rotation 1, which took place in Afghanistan from February to August 2006. Responsible for the Canadian-led multinational brigade, he monitored and directed the combat operations of over 6 000 coalition combat soldiers, as well as fighter-jet and helicopter crews, directly contributing to the successes of the brigade. His selfless dedication and astute management ensured effective military operations in an area of some 200 000 square kilometres. Acting Lieutenant-Colonel Bishop’s outstanding performance in this complex, multinational environment brings great credit to the Canadian Forces and to Canada.

Captain Dennie Bourque MSM
Awarded on: April 4, 2008; Invested on: June 27, 2008
Lieutenant Bourque was deployed as a forward observation officer and air controller with the Operational Mentor Liaison Team, in Afghanistan. From October 29 to November 3, 2007, during a complex and demanding combat operation, he worked well beyond his rank and experience, expertly coordinating aircraft and artillery fire, and minimizing collateral damage alongside the Afghan National Army. His skill allowed for the disruption of insurgent operations, and directly contributed to safeguarding the lives of Canadian and Afghan soldiers.

Master Bombardier Danny Denis Boyd MSM
Awarded on: August 12, 2011; Invested on: January 26, 2012
Master Bombardier Boyd’s leadership and technical skills greatly improved the efficiency of the Fire Support Coordination Centre within Joint Task Force Afghanistan Headquarters during his deployment from November 2009 to September 2010. In addition to developing a method that enhanced information management, he was selected to brief an American unit on the Centre’s procedures, helping them integrate seamlessly into the area of operations. Master Bombardier Boyd’s dedicated efforts enhanced the Centre’s ability to ensure the effective delivery of fire support.

Warrant Officer Todd Barry Buchanan MSM CD
Awarded on: May 29, 2009; Invested on: November 13, 2009
Warrant Officer Buchanan was deployed to Afghanistan with an operational mentoring and liaison team, from February to August 2008. Working from both the command post and while deployed forward, he coordinated precision tactical effects that supported Afghan and coalition combat operations. On numerous occasions, his timely application of precision fires proved successful, with devastating effects on the insurgents’ ability to continue fighting, and without endangering friendly forces. Warrant Officer Buchanan’s strong mission focus and professionalism enhanced operational success in the Zharey district.

Colonel Michael Derek Capstick MSM CD
Awarded on: October 18, 2006; Invested on: February 19, 2007
From August 2005 to August 2006, Colonel Capstick commanded the Strategic Advisory Team in Afghanistan. Epitomizing the Team Canada approach to international security challenges, his team achieved results in support of Afghanistan’s government. Through leadership and resourcefulness, he earned the trust and confidence of Afghan authorities. His efforts and influence have been felt throughout Kabul and the international community. His team has been influential in the implementation of the Afghan National Development Strategy and the Afghan Compact, which, together, provide a blueprint for the future of Afghanistan

Captain Darcy Dean Cyr MSM CD
Awarded on: November 28, 2016; Invested on: April 04, 2017
From July 2009 to September 2015, Captain Cyr served with the Air-Land Integration Cell in Kingston, Ontario, as the Canadian Armed Forces’ subject matter expert in forward air control (FAC) and close air support. During this whole period, he was instrumental in the development of the Canadian FAC program from its infancy into a sustainable program that is the envy of many international partners. Captain Cyr’s transformational leadership, professionalism and distinctive accomplishments have brought great credit to the Canadian Armed Forces and to Canada.

Colonel Grant Fernand Dame MSM CD
Awarded on: June 28, 2013; Invested on: February 18, 2014
From July 2010 to July 2011, while deployed to the United Nations Stabilization Mission in Haiti as chief of staff, Colonel Dame synchronized the efforts of over 9 000 UN personnel. Confronted with the concurrent catastrophes of cholera, violence and severe weather, he helped the mission achieve outstanding results, particularly in the areas of hurricane relief and security for the presidential elections. Colonel Dame’s leadership and work ethic contributed directly to mission success and enhanced Canada’s international reputation.

Honorary Colonel Allan Frank De Genova MSM
Awarded on: 3 May, 2022
Al De Genova is dedicated to giving back to those who serve and protect Canada. In 2010, he founded the Honour House Society to support injured and ill military members and veterans, first responders and their families during treatment and rehabilitation. At the Honour Ranch, the charity provides specialized care for individuals affected by operational stress injuries. To date, the organization has saved families thousands of dollars in accommodation costs.

Sergeant Jonathan D.J. Déziel MSM
Awarded on: February 2, 2011; Invested on: June 10, 2011
As part of the Operational Mentor Liaison Team in Afghanistan from April to October 2009, Master Bombardier Déziel assumed the role of a fire effects officer whose responsibility it was to go forward into battle to observe and report on the situation, and to coordinate artillery support for the troops engaged. In doing so, he repeatedly exposed himself to enemy fire. His experience, planning and calm composure ensured the delivery of precise artillery strikes that significantly disrupted insurgent activity and enhanced the combat effectiveness of Canadian soldiers and Afghan National Security Forces. His leadership and tactical acumen were vital to the battle group’s success.

Colonel Joseph Stéphane Dubois MSM CD
In 2019, Colonel Dubois demonstrated outstanding leadership in the planning and execution of the Kandahar Cenotaph rededication ceremony. He put together an incredible team of officers, non-commissioned officers, non-commissioned members and civilians within a very tight timeframe to deliver a flawless and respectful event. The ceremony provided an opportunity to properly honour and recognize the sacrifice of the fallen soldiers, their families and all veterans affected by the operations in Afghanistan. His commitment brought great honour to the Canadian Armed Forces.

Lieutenant-Colonel Joseph Marc André Lawrence Dufour MSM CD
Awarded on: June 19, 2014; Invested on: June 26, 2015
From July 2012 to August 2013, Lieutenant-Colonel Dufour did impressive work within the United Nations Organization Stabilization Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. A visionary with a tremendous sense of diplomacy, he ensured that stakeholders from 11 countries agreed on the development of a new mandate and the introduction of the intervention brigade. His efforts were vital to implementing innovative changes within the Mission, bringing great honour to Canada.

Colonel Joseph Stéphane Dumas MSM CD
Awarded on: May 3, 2021; Invested on: November 04, 2021
From July 2019 to August 2020, Colonel Dumas was deployed as Canadian Task Force commander and as deputy chief of staff – Operations and Plans, as part of the United Nations Organization Stabilization Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (MONUSCO). He successfully led the planning and execution of operations against armed groups, ensured the protection of civilians, oversaw MONUSCO’s response to COVID-19 and strengthened democratic institutions and the rule of law. A skilled commander, Colonel Dumas contributed significantly to the mission and brought great honour to Canada.

Major Jean-François Duval MSM CD
Awarded on: February 2, 2011; Invested on: September 19, 2012
As battery commander with the Royal 22e Régiment Battle Group from April to October 2009, Major Duval showed impressive tactical acumen that resulted in outstanding artillery support during numerous combat operations in Afghanistan. He provided his commander with detailed, yet concise reports on the battery’s capabilities, allowing for the optimal employment of artillery. As a result, his battery detachments were able to operate with surgical precision, thereby minimizing collateral damage. Major Duval’s leadership and dedicated efforts were vital to the battle group’s success and brought great credit to the Canadian Forces.

Captain Nichola Goddard MSM
Awarded on: October 25, 2006; Invested on: February 19, 2007
Captain Goddard is recognized for her exemplary service in Afghanistan as the Forward Observation Officer and Forward Air Controller for C Company, Operation ARCHER, from January 2006 until her death in combat in May 2006. Her spirit and unfaltering dedication were without equal. She accepted all risks as she coordinated a complex mix of artillery, aircraft and electronic warfare equipment with technical perfection and unwavering calmness. This courageous soldier volunteered on at least five occasions to conduct reconnaissance operations in villages where, only weeks before, the enemy had inflicted devastating attacks on coalition forces. Captain Goddard’s passionate and professional approach to her duties and to those in her charge directly inspired all mission members and greatly contributed to the mission’s success.

Honorary Colonel Steve Gregory MSM
Steve Gregory was the driving force behind Operation Husky–2013, a tribute to the sacrifices made by Canadian troops who took part in the Allied invasion of Sicily in 1943, codenamed Operation HUSKY. He tirelessly spearheaded numerous commemorative events, including a march across the island that followed in the footsteps of the soldiers who fought there 70 years earlier. The successful project shone a light on an often-overlooked chapter in Canadian military history.

Chief Warrant Officer Ernest Joseph (Ernie) Hall MMM MSM CD
Awarded on: November 19, 2009; Invested on: June 04, 2010
Chief Warrant Officer Hall was deployed to Afghanistan as the regimental sergeant-major for 3rd Battalion, The Royal Canadian Regiment Battle Group, from September 2008 to April 2009. His dedicated operational focus provided the Battle Group with a stabilizing influence during multiple combat operations. He provided solid advice to his commanding officer, set an outstanding example for soldiers to follow and actively fostered teamwork within the entire Task Force. Chief Warrant Officer Hall’s leadership and professionalism were instrumental to the Battle Group’s operational success.

Lieutenant-Colonel Lee John Hammond MSM CD
Awarded on: February 2, 2011; Invested on: June 10, 2011
As chief of operational plans with Joint Task Force Afghanistan from January to November 2009, Lieutenant-Colonel Hammond was the key author of a groundbreaking document that transformed how the task force and its civilian partners conducted counter-insurgency operations. His political insight and his leadership of the military-civilian team enabled the development of a plan that helped to strengthen the Afghan government’s authority within Kandahar province. His professionalism and dedication greatly contributed to operational success in Afghanistan, and brought great credit to the Canadian Forces and to Canada.

Lieutenant-Colonel Lee John Hammond MSM CD
Awarded on: June 19, 2014; Invested on: June 26, 2015
From June 2013 to March 2014, Lieutenant-Colonel Hammond excelled as the deputy commander of the Canadian Contribution to the NATO Training Mission in Afghanistan. His leadership helped to ensure that Canadian personnel in Afghanistan consistently delivered on their NATO commitments. He synchronized Canada’s personnel drawdown plan from Afghanistan with the larger NATO plan, while preserving Canada’s national imperatives in the region. Lieutenant-Colonel Hammond, through his accomplishments, enhanced Canada’s reputation within the multinational environment.
This is the second Meritorious Service Medal awarded to Lieutenant-Colonel Hammond.

Lieutenant-Colonel Sonny Thomas Hatton MSM CD
Awarded on: December 18, 2019; Invested on: May 27, 2021
From February 2018 to July 2019, as the first Canadian deputy commander of the Latvian Mechanized Infantry Brigade, Lieutenant-Colonel Hatton displayed incredible leadership, vision and dedication that led to significant improvements in interoperability and combat capability. His efforts increased cohesion with the Latvian Armed Forces, contributed to significant development in indirect fire capabilities, and facilitated the integration of numerous battle groups. Lieutenant-Colonel Hatton’s exceptional professionalism had a tangible effect on mission success and advanced Canada’s strategic interests in the region.

Lieutenant-Colonel Sarah A Heer MSM CD
For exceptional leadership and strategic decision-making in overcoming a myriad of challenges related to the Covid-19 pandemic when deployed as the Commander of Joint Task Force – Ukraine, September 2020 to April 2021.

Major Ralph Edward Holah MSM CD
Awarded on: October 16, 2020; Invested on: November 08, 2021
From 2014 through 2018, Major Holah developed and implemented an internationally recognized and accredited Collateral Damage Estimation (CDE) course for the Canadian Armed Forces Targeting Enterprise. His tireless efforts evolved and aligned the CAF course with key allied partners and international standards. He is a trusted expert in the United States and his input on policy and technical issues is regularly sought out. Major Holah’s dedication and tactical expertise in CDE methodology has brought great credit to the Canadian Armed Forces.

Brigadier-General Alan John Howard MSM CD
Awarded on: November 19, 2009; Invested on: June 04, 2010
From April 2008 to March 2009, Brigadier-General Howard displayed exemplary leadership and innovation in developing aspects of the Afghan National Army (ANA) at the tactical, operational and strategic levels. He routinely visited ANA units in the field, sharing in their risk and gaining their trust and confidence. His personal and professional relationships with senior Afghan National Army (ANA) leaders directly enhanced their professionalism. Brigadier-General Howard’s leadership and work ethic greatly contributed to ensuring Afghanistan’s defence institutions were robust, operationally focused and strategically prepared.

Lieutenant-Colonel Steven James Hunter MSM CD
Awarded on: July 20, 2017; Invested on: February 28, 2018
During two separate tours as the commander of a special operations task force, Lieutenant-Colonel Hunter displayed unparalleled leadership and competence. His strength and deft command were critical in the aftermath of an incident that injured three operators and killed another in theatre. His tactical innovation modified intelligence collection methodology, resulting in substantially improved kinetic effects against the enemy. With thoroughness, he assured the seamless integration of a specialized team employment, receiving regular praise by the host nation and the coalition leadership.

Honorary Colonel John Keillor Farrer Irving MSM
Awarded on: October 12, 2016; Invested on: December 07, 2017
Since 2009, Honorary Colonel Irving has been demonstrating exceptional support and selfless dedication as the honorary colonel of 3rd Field Artillery Regiment (The Loyal Company), Royal Canadian Artillery. He was instrumental in restoring the title “The Loyal Company” to the Regiment; in producing a historical record of the Regiment’s second century of service; and in refurbishing two guns of great historical significance. His efforts to promote the history and heritage of the Canadian Armed Forces have brought great credit to Canada.

Warrant Officer Kevin Thomas Johnson MSM CD
Awarded on: May 29, 2009; Invested on: November 13, 2009
Warrant Officer Johnson was deployed to the fire support coordination centre of the Second Battalion, Princess Patricia’s Canadian Light Infantry Battle Group, from February to September 2008. His ability to synthesize huge volumes of information enhanced the effectiveness of both the Tactical Air Command Post and the Battery Command Post, and ensured the successful employment of rapid and synchronized fire support to ground troops during major operations. Warrant Officer Johnson’s outstanding professionalism and unwavering dedication saved Canadian lives and guaranteed the success of the battle group’s operations.

Colonel Joseph Conrad Roch Lacroix MSM CD
Awarded on: February 2, 2011; Invested on: June 10, 2011
As deputy commander of Joint Task Force Afghanistan from February to November 2009, Colonel Lacroix was heavily involved in every aspect of the task force’s operations and ensured the commander’s intent was understood and implemented. His clear tactical direction ensured that the enemy was prevented from gaining ground, while friendly forces were able to keep their momentum and push ahead. Colonel Lacroix’s outstanding command presence and determination advanced the mandate of the International Security Assistance Force and strengthened the Afghan government’s authority within Kandahar province.

Colonel Andrew Brooke Leslie MSM CD
Awarded on: December 20, 1996; Invested on: June 17, 1999
In 1995, Colonel Leslie provided outstanding leadership as Chief of Staff, Sector South Headquarters in Croatia. His professionalism and remarkable courage were clearly demonstrated between August 4 and 6, during Operation Storm — the Croatian offensive in the Krajina district. During intense artillery fire, Colonel Leslie organized and participated in several missions to rescue approximately 40 United Nations employees trapped in their residences and bring them to the United Nations camp, using armoured personnel carriers. Throughout the worst of the shelling, he moved from bunker to bunker offering encouragement to those in distress and was instrumental in convincing them to continue doing their job. His performance during the operation and its aftermath saved many lives and brought great credit to the Canadian Forces.

Lieutenant-Colonel Robert Jeffrey Lyttle MSM CD
From July 2016 to April 2017, Lieutenant-Colonel Lyttle was deployed to Kuwait as an integral part of Canada’s mission to combat Daesh. As chief of Lethal Fires of the Combined Joint Task Force, he proved instrumental in the development of complex targets, the timing and sequencing of strikes, and the tactical employment of munitions. A selfless leader, he demonstrated a thorough understanding of the intelligence situation as well as the global security implications in a complex international operation.

Colonel Joseph Daniel Stéphane Masson MSM CD
Awarded on: December 18, 2019; Invested on: May 27, 2021
Colonel Masson was deployed to Egypt from July 2018 to June 2019 as commanding officer of Task Force El Gorah and as chief of liaison for the Multinational Force and Observers. During numerous bilateral and trilateral talks, he encouraged the development of strong ties between international representatives. His efforts solidified the trust and communication between treaty partners, as well as Canadian Armed Forces engagement. Colonel Masson’s exemplary leadership and dedication helped to strengthen Israeli-Palestinian relations and increase stability in the Middle East.

Master Warrant Officer Robert Joseph Montague MMM MSM CD
Awarded on: March 15, 2010; Invested on: August 20, 2010
From August 2006 to February 2007, Master Warrant Officer Montague’s efforts as the artillery battery sergeant-major contributed to the operational success of Joint Task Force Afghanistan. His leadership skills were key to the successful handling of many stressful situations, such as the extraction of a trapped vehicle while engaged with the enemy or the coordination of the delivery of thousands of rounds of artillery and mortar fire by Canadian and coalition gunners. He was instrumental in the success of enemy engagements during major Canadian and NATO-led operations.

Lieutenant-Colonel David Anthony Patterson MSM CD
Awarded on: June 18, 2007; Invested on: October 12, 2007
Lieutenant-Colonel Patterson was deployed to Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, in 2006, as the strategic plans advisor to the Darfur Integrated Task Force. During a period of volatile activity and uncertainty, he was instrumental in creating a multinational transition planning team charged with the creation of contingency plans for the African Union Forces. His expertise, his supervisory skills and his vision were key to enabling the creation of the United Nations’ phased support packages, which have since formed the cornerstone for all transition planning within the Integrated Task Force. Lieutenant-Colonel Patterson’s outstanding leadership and dedication brought great honour to the Canadian Forces and to Canada.

Lieutenant-Colonel Nickolas Sebastien Roby MSM CD
From November 2016 to April 2017, Lieutenant-Colonel Roby was deployed with the United Nations Stabilization Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. As a liaison officer to the Congolese Armed Forces, he pioneered a new force employment model that involved integrating key staff within the Congolese Armed Forces, which improved their combined operational effectiveness. This model, in turn, allowed them to better protect civilians.

Chief Warrant Officer Christopher Paul Rusk MMM MSM CD
Awarded on: April 19, 2013; Invested on: September 12, 2013
From January 2010 to February 2011, Chief Warrant Officer Rusk excelled as regimental sergeant-major of three organizations. Initially deployed with the Provincial Reconstruction Team, he quickly transitioned to a mentoring role and prepared an infantry Kandak for combat, before moving to the NATO Training Mission to help lay the foundation for Afghan National Police development. Whether in the classroom, at headquarters, or on the battlefield, Chief Warrant Officer Rusk distinguished himself as an exceptional soldier and dynamic leader.

Lieutenant-Colonel Todd S. Scharlach MSM CD
Awarded on: October 19, 2017; Invested on: February 28, 2018
From 2015 to 2017, Lieutenant-Colonel Scharlach’s outstanding performance was critical to the successful planning and execution of an extremely complex multinational exercise involving tactical outputs and strategic political decision making. As the lead planner, he personally organized and shepherded key activities and senior-level engagements, culminating in a successful exercise that contributed significantly to national security through the enhancement of specific procedures and protocols. Lieutenant-Colonel Scharlach’s efforts and dedication have brought great credit to the Canadian Armed Forces and Canada.

Chief Warrant Officer Edward Patrick Smith MMM MSM CD
Awarded on: January 31, 2015; Invested on: June 26, 2015
From June 2013 to March 2014, Chief Warrant Officer Smith excelled as task force sergeant-major of the Canadian Contribution to the NATO Training Mission in Afghanistan. His tireless efforts to engender goodwill with allied nations ensured Canada retained its influential role and its well-earned credibility during mission withdrawal. Chief Warrant Officer Smith’s presence enhanced the Canadian Armed Forces’ international reputation and helped to solidify Canada’s legacy in Afghanistan.

Major Leonard Kerry St. George MSM CD
Awarded on: December 10, 2013; Invested on: February 18, 2014
From July 2006 to October 2008, Land Force Central Area Casualty Administration Officer Major St. George was responsible for coordinating the repatriation of 81 soldiers killed in Afghanistan. As the liaison officer between the fatality repatriation organizations and the families of the fallen, he went to great lengths to ensure everything possible was done to respect their wishes during a most difficult period of time. Major St. George’s dedication, professionalism and compassion under extremely arduous circumstances set the standard for exemplary performance of duty.

Chief Warrant Officer A G Todd MMM MSM CD
For tireless efforts and strong leadership when deployed to Yavoriv as Joint Task Force – Ukraine Sergeant Major, September 2020 to March 2021.

Colonel Peter Joseph Williams MSM CD
Awarded on: February 28, 2014; Invested on: October 03, 2014
While deployed to the Kabul Military Training Centre from June 2012 to June 2013, Colonel Williams excelled as both the commanding officer of the Training Advisory Group and as a mentor to the Centre’s Afghan commander. After extensive analysis of the issues surrounding the rapidly decreasing coalition force, he focused his team’s efforts on areas that would effectively move the Kabul Military Training Centre towards autonomy. Colonel Williams’ leadership and ingenuity were integral to the Centre’s operational effectiveness, and brought great credit to the Canadian Armed Forces