Colonel Commandant’s Coin

The Colonel Commandant’s Coin was initiated in 2008.  Master Warrant Officer Gabanna, the BSM of X Battery, 5e RALC, serving in Afghanistan, asked the Colonel Commandant why he didn’t have a coin to present to deserving Gunners.  A good question!  The Battery Commander, Major Warren Smith, explained how such a coin could be produced.  And so it was with BSM Gabanna awarded coin No 1 and Major Smith coin No 29.

The Colonel Commandant’s Coin is intended as a means by which special contributions to the effectiveness, success, well-being or reputation of The Royal Regiment can be recognized with a minimum of process or delay.  Selection of recipients is entirely within the purview of the Colonel Commandant although he welcomes advice from Commanding Officers and RSMs, and others.  All members of the Regimental Family and Friends of the Regiment, Gunner and non-Gunner alike, are eligible.  The Colonel Commandant always carries a few spares, so if one is warranted, it can be presented on the spot.

Errors or omissions should be brought to the attention of RHQ RCA for correction.


596 – Sgt Donato Calogero, 15th Fd Regt RCA
572 – WO Robert Frank, 30 Fd Regt RCA
526-Sgt (ret’d) Russell Kaye, 12th Fd Regt, RCA
525 – LCol (ret’d) Leon Jensen, RCAA
522 – MBdr T.D. Fingarsen, 26 Fd Regt RCA
513 – Bdr Dean-Louis Wesley, 3 Fd Regt RCA
449 – Gnr Jared Bailey, 4th Regt (GS) RCA
442 – Capt Rob Wishnicki, 15 Fd Regt RCA
438 – 2Lt J.D. Pankowski, 20 Ind Fd Bty RCA
434 – Sgt D.L. Ames, 20 Ind Fd Bty RCA
426 – CWO Dennis Franken, 42 Fd Regt RCA
425 – Cpl M.D. Leroux, 42 Fd Regt RCA
424 – Cpl M. Hall, 5 RALC
423 – MBdr E. Mercier, 5 RALC
422 – MCpl Bohler, RCEME, 5 RALC
419 – Capt Nicholas Kaempffer, RCAS
418 – Maj Jordan Beatty, RCAS
414 – Capt Robert Mein, 20 Ind Fd Bty RCA
410 – Gnr Shawn Sooley, 1 RCHA
407 – Sgt Maxime Duperray, 1 RCHA
406 – Gnr Christian Plourde, 1 RCHA
405 – Dr Lee Windsor, University of New Brunswick
404 – CWO (ret’d) Tom Tomaso
403 – LCol (ret’d) Brian Reid
402 – WO Murphy, 2 RCHA
401 – MWO David Robinson, 30 Fd Regt RCA
400 – Maj Simon Nicholson
399 – Capt Mathew Delvo, 1 RCHA
394 – CWO K.J. McCracken, 49 Fd Regt RCA
376 – Capt (ret’d) Tom Watters, RCAA
396 – Bdr S.P. Dooley, 2 RCHA
391 – Bdr K. Broad, 2 RCHA
389 – Sgt Demick, 2 RCHA
388 – Bdr Hill 20 Ind Bty RCA
386 – Sgt Anne Marie Dias, 30 Fd Regt RCA
382 – Mr Ross Keller, 85VICS
379 – MBdr Kent
378 – MWO Robert Morningstar, RMC
376 – Capt (ret’d) Tom Watters, RCAA N0.
375 – MCpl Julie Longman, 30 Fd Regt RCA
372 – Mrs L. Gleed
371 – Mrs Barbara Calnan
370 – 2Lt Liam Lalonde, 11 Fd Regt RCA
369 – CSgt Gareth Davies, Queen’s Guard Officers’ Mess
368 – Sgt Jared Gossen, 1 RCHA
368 – Gnr Littlechild
367 – LCol (ret’d) Don Hamilton, RCAA
367 – LCol Darrell A. Paquette, 20 Fd Regt RCA
366 – Gnr Bryant
366 – Dr Ken Edgecombe, RCHA Brigade Association
365 – CSgt Gareth Chambers, Irish Guards
363 – WO Benoit Parent, RCA Band
362 – Sgt Beauchamp
362 – Ms Deanne Gilbertson, RCA Museum
361 – 2Lt Albert Kang, 11 Fd Regt RCA
360 – LCol (ret’d) Bob Elliot, RCAA N0.
358 – Mr Michael Kennedy
356 – Sgt Jeremy Maitland, RCA Band
355 – LCol Robert Spencer, 15 Fd Regt RCA
353 – Sgt Katia Maltais, 1 RCHA
352 – LCol (ret’d) Jim Brazill, RCAA
351 – Capt Gareth Newfield, 30 Fd Regt RCA
350 – Mr Michael Skinner, Dege & Skinner, London
349 – Ch Yeoman Warder Peter McGowran, Tower of London
348 – Maj (ret’d) Robert Begbie, SO to MGSJP
347 – Bdr Norton, 1 RCHA
346 – Sgt Paul Renton, King’s Troop RHA
345 – LCol Shawn Fortin, 38 CBG HQ
344 – Maj Kathryn Foss, NDHQ
342 – MBdr J.M. McIntyre, 49 Fd Regt RCA
340 – Bdr L. Pena-Barreto, 2 RCHA
339 – Lt (ret’d) Jack Eisenberg, 30 Fd Regt RCA
338 – Sgt P.W. Hocken, 49 Fd Regt RCA
337 – Capt Natasha Tersigni, 4 CPRG
336 – Capt (ret’d) Garth Wigle, RCAA
335 – LCol (ret’d) Craig Cotter, RCAA
333 – LCol (ret’d) Brian Reid
331 – Bdr Tyler McCrory, 1 RCHA
330 – Lt Patrick Allard, 5 RALC
329 – LCol (ret’d) Murray Beare, RCAA
328 – LCol Adam James, CADTC HQ
325 – LCol Michael Tousignant, CDLS-London
324 – Sgt Troy Elliott, 1 RCHA
323 – Bdr Joseph Semple, RCA Band
322 – MWO Jason Power, 1 RCHA
317 – Bdr McCormick, 56 Fd Regt RCA
316 – MWO Savard, 62 RAC
314 – Maj (ret’d) Bob Mugford, Vancouver Artillery Assoc
311 – MBdr Martineau, 62 RAC
307 – Sgt A.C.L. Doelle, 84 Ind Fd Bty RCA
306 – WO D.S. Clarke, 84 Ind Fd Bty RCA
303 – Sgt C.L. Hunt, 84 Ind Fd Bty RCA
166 – Maj Richard Gratton, 2 Fd Regt RCA
118 – Maj Shawn Fortin, 1 RCHA
038 – LCol Bill Kalogerakis, 7 Tor Regt, RCA
030 – LCol Sylvain Gagné, Army HQ DLR
029 – Maj Warren Smith, 5 RALC
001 – MWO Joseph Gabanna, 5 RALC
Maj Phillip Gaughan, 56 Fd Regt RCA
Maj Max Riopelle, 1 RCHA
Capt Johnson, 1 Fd Regt RCA
Capt Scott Puillandre, 56 Fd Regt RCA
Capt (Chaplain) Ken Webb, 56 Fd Regt RCA
Lt M.A. Jaschinski, 49 Fd Regt RCA
511 – CWO Chad Lelond, 38 ATG
MWO Danial Keels, RCA Band
MWO Lamey, 1 Fd Regt RCA
MWO C.R. Predum, 49 Fd Regt RCA
WO Gordon Brooks, 26 Fd Regt RCA
Sgt Corbeil, 5 RALC
Sgt M.E.J. Martin, RCAS
Sgt Martin, 56 Fd Regt RCA
Sgt Pearce, RCA Band
Sgt J.D. Pickerell, 20 Ind Fd Bty RCA
Sgt Sampson, RCAS
Sgt P.E.L. Sillanpa, 30 Fd Regt RCA
Sgt Gregory Stack, 11 Fd Regt RCA
Sgt Vanderkraay, RCA Band
Sgt Brenda Woods, 15 Fd Regt RCA
MBdr John Rattie, 4th Regt (GS) RCA
MCpl Thomas Goodwin, 1 RCHA
Bdr M.T. Gottselig, 10 Fd Regt RCA
Bdr P.A.J. Poirier, 49 Fd Regt RCA
Bdr Voutier, RCAS
Gnr Lee
Gnr (Trained Canine) Loki, RCAS
Gnr Morissette, 4th Regiment (GS) RCA
Hon LCol Lori Dangerfield, 26 Fd Regt RCA
Ms Karli Allen, CFB Shilo
Ms Hayley Datoo BC Parks
Mrs Nadeen Felstead, 26 Fd Regt RCA
Mr Richard Linzey, British Columbia Heritage Branch
Mr Robert Love, RCA Museum
Mrs Sylvia Rice
Mr Jim Spowart, BC Parks