15th Field Artillery Regiment, RCA

Contact Information:

15th Field Artillery Regiment RCA
Bessborough Armoury
2025 West 11th Avenue
Vancouver, BC V6J 2C7

Tel: 604-666-4370

Commanding Officer: Lieutenant-Colonel NJ Watts CD
Regimental Sergeant Major: Chief Warrant Officer HL Porritt CD

Active Sub-units: 31st Field Battery, 68th Field Battery
Band:  Band of the 15th Field Artillery Regiment, RCA
Non-Active Sub-units: 85th Field Battery, 158th Field Battery, 210th Field Battery

Perpetuation: No. 5 Canadian Siege Battery, CGA, CEF

Parent Brigade Formation: 39th Canadian Brigade Group
Parent Division Formation: 3rd Canadian Division

Honorary Colonel A De Genova
Honorary Lieutenant-Colonel DG Foster

Social Media: 15th Field Artillery Regiment, RCA
Museum: 15th Field Artillery Regiment, RCA Museum and Archives
Senate: Commanding Officers’ Advisory Board
Foundation: 15th Field Artillery Regimental Society
Regimental Association: Vancouver Artillery Association
Association Website: VancouverGunners.ca
Association Social Media: Vancouver Gunners
Birthday: 2 February 1920
Online History: Directorate of History and Heritage

Affiliated Cadet Corps:
2472 Royal Canadian Army Cadets – 15th Field Royal Canadian Army Cadet Corps
111 Pegasus Squadron Royal Canadian Air Cadets

Past Appointments:
Past Commanding Officers
Past Regimental Sergeants Major
Past Honoraries