Most Excellent Order of the British Empire
The Most Excellent Order of the British Empire is a British order of chivalry, rewarding contributions to the arts and sciences, work with charitable and welfare organisations, and public service outside the civil service. It was established on 4 June 1917 by King George V and comprises five classes across both civil and military divisions, the most senior two of which make the recipient either a knight if male or dame if female.
Knight Commander or Dame Commander of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire (post-nominals: KBE or DBE)
General Charles Falkland Loewen GCB, KBE, DSO
Commander of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire (post-nominals: CBE) is the highest ranking Order of the British Empire award (excluding a knighthood/ damehood), followed by OBE and then MBE. The CBE is awarded to individuals for having a prominent role at national level, or a leading role at regional level.
Surgeon Captain(N) Doctor Charles Herbert Best CC CH CBE FRS FRSC FRCP
Brigadier Harold Oswald Neville Brownfield CBE MC
Brigadier Charles Mills (Bud) Drury CBE DSO
Major-General William Henry Pferinger Elkins CB CBE DSO
Major General Ralph Holley Keefler CBE DSO ED
Major-General Albert Bruce Matthews CBE DSO ED
Brigadier George Arnold McCarter CBE
Brigadier George Power Morrison CBE
Major-General Edward Chester (Johnny) Plow CBE DSO
Brigadier Richard Edward Graham Roome CBE VD
Colonel Charles Henry Ludovic Sharman CMG CBE ISO
Lieutenant-General Guy Granville Simonds CC CB CBE DSO
Brigadier Hebert Alan Sparling CBE DSO
Brigadier James Crossley Stewart CBE DSO
Brigadier Percy Arthur Stanley Todd CBE DSO ED
Lieutenant-Colonel Douglas Hitch Storms CBE MC
Major-General Alfred Ernest Walford CB CBE MM
Colonel William Smith Ziegler CBE DSO
Officer of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire (post-nominals: OBE) is awarded for outstanding achievement or service to the community. This will have had a long-term, significant impact and stand out as an example to others.
Lieutenant-Colonel William Alexander Beaumont Anderson OBE
Lieutenant-Colonel William Arthur Ives Anglin OBE
Major John Douglas Armour OBE
Lieutenant-Colonel Anthony John Beswick Bailey DSO OBE ED
Lieutenant-Colonel George Edwin (Ted) Beament OBE
Lieutenant-Colonel Aeneas McBean Bell-Irving OBE
Lieutenant-Colonel RM Bishop OBE
Lieutenant-Colonel George Goodetham Blackstock MC OBE
Lieutenant-Colonel Edward Geoffrey Brooks DSO OBE
Lieutenant-Colonel Harold Edward Brown OBE
Lieutenant-Colonel Gideon Milroy Carrie OBE
Lieutenant-Colonel LG Clarke OBE
Lieutenant-Colonel Frederick Le Poer Trench Clifford OBE
Lieutenant-Colonel Eric Wyld Cormack OBE ED
Lieutenant-Colonel CS Craig OBE
Lieutenant-Colonel Albert Ferguson Culver OBE MC
Lieutenant-Colonel DGL Cunningham OBE
Major DM Doherty OBE
Lieutenant-Colonel WP Doohan OBE
Lieutenant-Colonel HM Dow OBE
Lieutenant-Colonel CH Drury OBE
Colonel AF Duguid OBE
Lieutenant-Colonel WB Durward OBE
Lieutenant-Colonel JJR Gagnon OBE
Lieutenant-Colonel J Austin Bain Gillies OBE VD
Lieutenant-Colonel James Gilbert Hart OBE ED
Colonel GW Hanna OBE
Colonel CM Harding OBE
Lieutenant-Colonel JJ Harris OBE
Lieutenant-Colonel WE Harris OBE
Lieutenant-Colonel JG Hart OBE
Lieutenant-Colonel FP Haszard OBE
Lieutenant-Colonel SL Higgs OBE
Colonel OS Hollinrake OBE
Lieutenant-Colonel GO Hutchinson OBE
Lieutenant-Colonel DH Jupp OBE
Lieutenant-Colonel BR Ker OBE
Lieutenant-Colonel WD King OBE
Lieutenant-Colonel Charles D’Arcy Kingsmill OBE
This officer served in the early part of the war in England, returned to Canada to attend the Royal Military College and subsequently returned to England as General Staff Officer Grade II (Intelligence) Headquarters, 1 Canadian Corps. He served through Sicily, Italy and Northwest Europe. He returned to Canada for a higher appointment in the Pacific Force, which, due to VJ-Day, failed to materialize. He was then posted to the Canadian Army Staff, Washington, District of Columbia in August 1945. As General Staff Officer Grade I Operations and Intelligence) Canadian Army Staff, Lieutenant-Colonel Kingsmill was instrumental in maintaining and furthering the close relationship, which exists between the Canadian Army Staff and the War Department. His work was consistently reliable and trustworthy and he has at all times displayed willingness to undertake duties in addition to those of his normal appointment. His energy and leadership combined with unfailing good humour invariably lent incentive to those with whom he dealt. Similarly in his previous appointments during the war this officer performed his tasks in an outstanding manner, which contributed importantly to the successful operations of the formations with which he served.
Lieutenant-Colonel WD Kirk OBE
Lieutenant-Colonel Francis Dwyer (Frank) Lace OBE DSO
Lieutenant-Colonel KB Lockett OBE
Major TP Lownsbrough OBE
Lieutenant-Colonel Frank Edward McCordick OBE
Lieutenant-Colonel John James Mackenzie OBE MC
Colonel EB McPherson OBE
Colonel DJ Maxwell OBE
Lieutenant-ColonelThomas Holliday Musgrave OBE
Lieutenant-Colonel Abram Leland Stanley Nash OBE MM ED
Lieutenant-Colonel ED Nighswander OBE
Lieutenant-Colonel WBG Reynolds OBE
Lieutenant-Colonel J Roberts OBE
Lieutenant-Colonel JHD Ross OBE
Lieutenant-Colonel JR Samson OBE
Lieutenant-Colonel Gordon Merritt Shrum OC OBC OBE MM ED
Colonel WE Van Steenburg OBE
Lieutenant-Colonel AR Stewart OBE
Brigadier PAS Todd OBE
Colonel William Allen Townsley OBE MC ED
Colonel KH Tremain OBE
Lieutenant-Colonel JW Walker OBE
Lieutenant-Colonel JD Watt OBE
Lieutenant-Colonel AH Warr OBE
Lieutenant-Colonel Charles Edward Woodrow OBE ED
Member of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire (post-nominals: MBE) is awarded for a major local role in any activity, including people whose work has made them known nationally in their chosen area
Major L.C. Adkins MBE
Major Duncan Andrew Anderson MBE MC ED
Major JM Anderson MBE
Major CR Archibald MBE
Warrant Officer Class 1 Robert Vincent Armishaw MBE
This warrant officer has been Regimental Sergeant Major of 2nd Regiment, Royal Canadian Horse Artillery since its formation. In the difficult formative stage in Canada and Fort Lewis, he not only helped organized and administer the many difficult operations of forming the regimental headquarters but also assisted in the training of the officers and non-commissioned officers of the regiment. During the period spent in operations in Korea, he has displayed qualities which mark him as outstanding. His broad knowledge of technical gunnery has proved of inestimable value and on more than one occasion he has performed the duties of adjutant and controlled the fire of the regiment. He has at all times, worked diligently to maintain a high standard of discipline which has achieved excellent results. This warrant officer’s quiet good humour, common sense, and devotion to duty have been an inspiration to all those with whom he has come in contact and worthy of the highest traditions of the Royal Canadian Horse Artillery and the army.
Major Maurice G Archer MBE
Major HL Armstrong MBE
Lieutenant-Colonel Anthony John Beswick Bailey DSO MBE ED
Lieutenant-Colonel Bailey, Commanding Officer, 2 Regiment, Royal Canadian Horse Artillery, has commanded his regiment in an outstanding manner, displaying exceptional devotion to duty and personal courage. Assuming command on its mobilization in August 1950, he drove himself relentlessly to train his regiment, which was formed of volunteers from civilian life, so that it could properly support the brigade in battle. For three months during training at Yakima firing range, USA, in the coldest part of winter, this officer personally directed the training and administration of the regiment. He spent long hours on the ranges; then, when the day’s long arduous schedule was completed, carried out the administration. The regiment was, as a result of his extraordinary effort, ready for operations when it arrived in Korea in May 1951. During operations he has continually carried out personal reconnaissance of enemy positions, well forward, often subjecting himself to enemy fire. He has skilfully directed the work of his forward observation officers and advised battery commanders on the preparation of fire plans. The regiment, under his direction, has always produced accurate and sustained fire wherever required, thus contributing to the success of the brigade operations. On 4 October, 1951, he personally directed the fire of his regiment from a forward observation post onto Hill 222 so skilfully that it materially assisted 2nd battalion, Royal 22e Regiment to capture the Hill with a minimum loss to our own troops, while inflicting heavy casualties on the enemy. The capture of this key feature led to the successful capture of the brigade objectives. The personal behaviour and gallant conduct of this officer, during the period which the brigade has been in operations, has been an important factor in helping the brigade capture and hold its objectives, an inspiration to all troops and a credit to the service.
Warrant Officer Class 2 CH Barber MBE
Major John Pope Beer MBE
Major Beer has served as second-in-command of 81 Field Regiment since November 1952 and has displayed, at all times, devotion to duty, administrative efficiency and technical proficiency of an extremely high standard. During July 1953 this regiment was involved in two major operations, the first against heavy Communist attacks on 1 Republic of Korea Division and the second against heavy Communist attacks on 1 Marine Division. In both these battles, this officer’s expert knowledge of technical gunnery, his control of fire, his loyalty and his conscientious application of all his energies played a large part in the beating back of the Communist attacks. Major Beer’s ability, energy, loyalty and devotion to duty have been an inspiration to all ranks of his regiment.”
Warrant Officer Class 2 FS Berry MBE
Warrant officer Class 1 BE Bevan MBE
Major JE Birks MBE
Lieutenant Colonel James Duncan Kenneth Black MBE ED
Major GR Blaikie MBE
Major GSJ Bowell MBE
Major HC Bray MBE
Major JW Brice MBE
Major A Brindle MBE
Lieutenant-Colonel Edward Geoffrey Brooks DSO MBE CD
Lieutenant-Colonel Brooks took over command of 2nd Regiment, Royal Canadian Horse Artillery in action in October 1951. Since then his regiment has taken part in every divisional action including the heavy defensive battles of November and a number of sharp probing attacks against his affiliated 25 Canadian Infantry Brigade. No regiment could have served the Division in general or its own infantry in particular more devotedly or more efficiently. The fine leadership and skilful handing of his guns combined with the high personal standard set by Lieutenant-Colonel Brooks produced not only the most efficient and timely artillery support whenever required but led to the establishment of the greatest confidence in and an excellent relationship with his infantry. The latter was not, however, only confined to 25 Canadian Infantry Brigade but was equally true of all other parts of the Division with whom he had dealings. His regiment gave its entire co-operation and complete loyalty to the divisional artillery, and was as tireless and self-sacrificing in its support of other brigades as of its own. The affiliated United Kingdom light battery and counter bombardment organization was tied in, helped to the fullest possible degree and handled with the greatest efficiency, in full accordance with the divisional policy, even when that was to his own temporary but necessary disadvantage. No officer played a bigger part not only in helping to make the divisional artillery an efficient formation but also in fostering the happy relations so necessary in one of several differing Commonwealth nationalities.
Warrant Officer Class 1 PV Burns MBE
Captain IM Byron MBE
Captain CEG Callahan MBE
Lieuteant AD Cameron MBE
Major John Meredith Cape MBE
Warrant Officer Class 2 W Cartwright MBE
Major GT Cassells MBE
Major LP Chapman MBE
Warrant Officer Class 1 WAC Clark MBE
Warrant Officer Class 2 SW Clarke MBE
Major ER Clemis MBE
Major James H. Coleman MBE
Captain David Russell Copcutt MBE
Captain Copcutt has served in her Majesty’s Forces in the armies of the United Kingdom, India and Canada. In 1951 he was appointed a captain in the Canadian Army and posted to 1st Regiment, Royal Canadian Horse Artillery. From the moment of his arrival he has been Adjutant of the Regiment and in a great measure it is due to his tireless efforts that this Regiment, despite many vicissitudes created by overseas drafts and manpower requirements for new forming units, has maintained and enhanced its efficiency. In operations against the enemy, the Regiment had earned the accolade of approval by our infantry. In a great Measure this approval is gained by the vigorous and determined insistence with which Captain Copcutt has demanded the highest possible standard of fire control and coordination. This officer has earned the respect and admiration of all ranks of his Regiment by his example and ruthless determination that 1st Regiment, Royal Canadian Horse Artillery will be second to none.”
Lieuteanant AMW Cooke MBE
Major MA Coolen MBE
Lieutenant-Colonel DR Corbett MBE
Warrant officer Class 1 HR Cotton MBE
Major EM Counsell MBE
Major EW Cowdry MBE
Major Gordon Younghusband Linsey Crossley MBE
Warrant Officer Class 1 WC Cunningham MBE
Captain WR de Gruchy MBE
Lieutenant JR Dickinson MBE
Major JW Dodds MBE
Lieutenant-Colonel CM Drury MBE
Warrant Officer Class 1 R Elrick MBE
Major David (Dave) Reynolds Ely MBE
Major Ely entered the Active Force on 1 September 1939 from the Non-Permanent Active Militia. In 1942 he was one of three Canadian Officers to qualify as an Air Observation Post pilot and in 1943 he was returned to England to assist in the formation and training of three Canadian Air Observation Post squadrons being formed for First Canadian Army. He was appointed to command 664 Canadian Air Observation Post Squadron, and as pilots finished their initial training he organized the squadron and carried out its unit training. When this unit was fully trained, he was ordered to turn it over to a junior officer and make himself available to form and train 665 Canadian Air Observation Post Squadron. This he did, and was then called upon to form 666 Canadian Air Observation Post Squadron in a similar manner. The latter squadron he took to the theatre in May 1945 as Squadron Commander. His outstanding ability and his unflagging interest in the development of these squadrons, despite the fact that it probably would have been more to his advantage to have served in the field, where he had been recommended to command a field regiment, contributed in large measure to the rapid development of these units, which became available to 21 Army Group at a critical time, when fresh divisions were arriving from Italy and no other Air Observation Post squadrons were available. This officer has shown unstinted zeal, energy and efficiency in the performance of his duties, and is considered worthy of high recognition.
Captain H O Evans MBE
Major G M Ewens MBE
Captain J E Eyres MBE
Major R J Fisher MBE
Major N C Fraser MBE
Major J G Gay MBE
Warrant Officer Class I George Douglas Gilpin MBE
Warrant Officer Class 1 W L F Glover MBE
Major C Goguel MBE
Major D L Gordon MBE
Major B F Gossage MBE
Warrant Officer Class 1 J M Green MBE
Warrant Officer Class I Gordon Gustav Gunter MBE
On the night of 16/17 April 1945, Regimental Sergeant-Major Gunter was acting as Regimental Sergeant-Major to 17 Field Regiment, Royal Canadian Artillery. The regiment, in support of 11 Canadian Infantry Brigade, had deployed in the early evening in the area of Otterloo, Holland. As the enemy had not been completely cleared of the vicinity, all units were required to take active measures for their own local defence. At the regimental headquarters, this responsibility fell to Sergeant-Major Gunter. At about midnight warning was received that enemy troops were detected infiltrating through the gun position and by 0005 hours 17 April 1945, they had reached the immediate area of the regimental headquarters. While the battery personnel were heavily involved with protecting their guns, this Warrant Officer coordinated and deployed his own men at the headquarters. In addition he organized a system of runners to maintain contact with the batteries as radio and telephone communications were partly disrupted and undependable. At the same time he arranged and supervised the collection of enemy prisoners captured by the batteries as well as our own wounded. Sergeant-Major Gunter’s control of the situation at regimental headquarters, his calmness of manner and disregard for his own personal safety were in keeping with the highest traditions of the Royal Canadian Artillery, and were instrumental in preventing the enemy from overrunning the position.
Warrant Officer Class 2 William Henry Hardon MBE
This Warrant Officer has been employed as Regimental Quartermaster Sergeant of 1st Regiment, Royal Canadian Horse Artillery since March 1951, and has given outstanding service in this capacity since arrival of the regiment in Korea. He has demonstrated at all times a complete understanding of the requirements of the regiment, and has been tireless in his efforts to ensure the smooth functioning of the Regiment’s Quartermaster’s Organization. His diligence, attention to detail and ability to work effectively under adverse conditions has won the respect of all ranks. The highly efficient manner in which he has carried out all aspects of his duties, his high sense of responsibility and outstanding devotion to duty have contributed in large measure to the administrative efficiency of the regiment.
Major J L W Harris MBE
Major J D Harrison MBE
Lieutenant-Colonel R A Harrison MBE
Major J T Harvey MBE
Major Rollin John (Roly) Hauser MBE
Captain Hauser has served as Adjutant of 81 Canadian Field Regiment, Royal Canadian Artillery, since 1 June 1952 and has displayed at all times devotion to duty, administrative efficiency and proficiency in the work of his corps of an extremely high standard. On 21 April 1953, 81 Field Regiment, RCA, came into action in Korea. About this time enemy activity on 25 Canadian Infantry Brigade sector increased appreciably, culminating in an attack on 3rd Battalion, the Royal Canadian Regiment on the night of 2/3 May 1953. Captain Hauser, as Adjutant of 81 Field Regiment, RCA, worked feverishly during the “settling-in” period to ensure that the ultimate in efficiency would be attained in the shortest possible time. His skill in administration, his expert knowledge of artillery, his control of fire of the regiment, his powers of organization, and, above all, his energy and loyalty were a great driving force. The effective artillery against the enemy attack on the night 2/3 May, and the speed and accuracy with which the artillery have engaged enemy patrols or supported our own patrol actions on all occasions are the measure of his great success. Captain Hauser’s ability, hard work and devotion to duty have been an inspiration to all ranks of 81 Field Regiment, RCA.
Warrant Officer Class 1 R A Hay MBE
Major R J Hegan MBE
Major R S Hetherington MBE
Major J R C Hewitt MBE
Warrant Officer Class 2 P G Hillier MBE
Major H S Hodgins MBE
Major E L Hodgson MBE
Warrant Officer Class 2 H M Hooper MBE
Warrant Officer Class 2 E D Hopkinson MBE
Major J T Hugill MBE
Major L McE Hunter MBE
Warrant Officer Class 2 H C A Hurford
Captain Harold Bruce Hutchison MBE
Warrant Officer Class 1 E R James MBE
Major C E Jamieson MBE
Warrant Officer Class 2 M H Kane MBE
Major Patrick John Walter Kennedy MBE ED
Warrant Officer Class 1 P M Kennedy MBE
Major T E D Kidd MBE
Warrant Officer Class 2 R S Kingdon MBE
Major Robert (Bob) George Kingstone MBE
Warrant Officer Class 1 G C Lawrence MBE
Captain G J Leaver MBE
Major A W Linnel MBE
Major Robert Edward Lucy MBE MC
Warrant Officer Class 1 D McCowan MBE
Major A A MacDonald MBE
Warrant Officer Class 1 J J V McDonald MBE
Captain E L McElmon MBE
Warrant Officer Class 1 Ronald AM MacFarlane MBE
Major J E McGrath MBE
Warrant Officer Class 2 J B Macinnis MBE
Major J E MacKay MBE
Warrant Officer Class 2 J M MacKay MBE
Major G F Maclaren MBE
Captain D R McMaster MBE
Lieutenant-Colonel J DeM Marler MBE
Warrant Officer Class 1 R W Maxwell MBE
Warrant Officer Class 2 J F Mitchell MBE
Warrant Officer Class 1 A D Montgomery MBE
Captain M Monzon MBE
Major D R Morrice MBE
Major A D Morris MBE
Major E A Mowatt MBE
Major Charles (Charlie) Alexander Mustard MBE
Major G H V Naylor MBE
Major H L Nixon MBE
Major John Swaffield Orton MBE MC
Major Orton was appointed Second-in-Command, 2nd Regiment, Royal Canadian Horse Artillery, on 22 December 1950. As Second-in-Command he was partially responsible for the training and administration of his unit while it was at Yakima, Washington where it trained independently for two months. In operations, Major Orton again acted as Second-in-Command during the first part of the Regiment=s action in Korea. The selection of gun positions under difficult conditions was a job which he performed admirably. The administration of the unit in early days of action presented numerous difficulties which Major Orton rapidly overcame. On 28 September 1951, the commanding officer returned to Canada and was not replaced until 26 October 1951. During this period Major Orton acted as commanding officer and was responsible for the fire plans for operation commando and the subsequent defensive battles which were fought on line Wyoming. Major Orton’s attention to duty, energy, courage and leadership have been an inspiration to his troops, his skill in the application of supporting fire has enabled the infantry of 25 Canadian Infantry Brigade to attain their objectives and defend them against heavy enemy attacks. Major Orton is again performing the duties of Second-in-Command, 2 Royal Canadian Horse Artillery, in a very loyal and efficient manner.
Major John Gwyn Osler MBE
Major R L Pepall MBE
Warrant Officer Class 2 H K Raper MBE
Captain C S Riley MBE
Warrant Officer Class 2 T P Rimmer MBE
Major A N Risk MBE
Warrant Officer Class 1 J Robertson MBE
Major Aaron Robinson MBE MC
Major Robinson has held the appointment as Second-in-Command of 1st Regiment, Royal Canadian Horse Artillery, since 1951. During the intensive training period prior to proceeding overseas and subsequently during the course of operations in Korea he has been untiring in his efforts continually to improve the efficiency of the regiment. His ability and energy in administrative matters have been of a high order, and he has been unsparing of himself in his endeavour to maintain the highest possible standard and to ease the tasks of others in achieving this goal. This officer has set a fine example of loyalty, devotion to duty and efficiency, freeing the regimental commander from the onerous burdens of administrative detail, and by his efforts and personal example earning the respect and admiration of all ranks.
Major T M Ross MBE
Major Robert Phineas Rothschild MBE
Warrant Officer Class 1 C J Rouse MBE
Captain B S Saunders MBE
Warrant Officer Class I William Thomas Seed MBE
This warrant officer has been Regimental Sergeant-Major of 1st Regiment, Royal Canadian Horse Artillery, since September 1952 when he was posted to Korea to fill this appointment. His example in turnout, bearing and conduct has been outstanding, and he has been tireless in his efforts to develop and foster the highest possible standard of discipline and conduct within the regiment. To this task he has devoted long hours of work, displaying persistence and determination of a high order in his endeavour to ensure maximum results. In addition to his duties as Regimental Sergeant-Major, he has provided invaluable service to his regiment in the training of non-commissioned officers on gun drill and duties of gun detachments, in which sphere his knowledge, experience and ability in gunnery instruction proved singularly effective. By his personal example of loyalty, devotion to duty and efficiency he has been an inspiration to all ranks and has contributed in large measure to the high standard of discipline and efficiency maintained by his regiment during operations in Korea.
Captain William Douglas Sherren MBE
Warrant Officer Class 1 W S Shirley MBE
Major S H Short MBE
Captain J Slatter MBE
Major A Sowery MBE
Warrant Officer Class 2 C E Sparks MBE
Captain H S Stata MBE
Major H W Sterne MBE
Major E W Steuart-Jones MBE
Captain D J Teek MBE
Major J H R Thomson MBE
Major F J Thorne MBE
Warrant Officer Class II Charles Henry Peter Trappitt MBE
Lieutenant-Colonel Robert Dimma Travis MBE
Warrant Officer Class 1 G A Trottier MBE
Lieutenant AG Wallace MBE
Major RH Wallace MBE
Major S Watson MBE
Warrant Officer Class 1 WJ Watson MBE
Major F Waugh MBE
Warrant Officer Class 1 JT Westley MBE
Warrant Officer Class 1 WR Wharton MBE
Major JE Wilson MBE
Warrant Officer Class 1 RS Wilson MBE
Major ET Winslow MBE
Captain Robert Joseph Wood MBE
This officer was appointed to the Canadian Army (Active) on 10 July 1940 and proceeded overseas on 9 November 1941. While serving with the 17 Field Regiment, Royal Canadian Artillery, he was severely injured, being permanently disfigured and partially blinded. In spite of these handicaps Major Wood remained overseas and as a result of his outstanding efforts is now a Chief Instructor, the Royal Canadian Artillery. The keenness and efficiency of this officer have been a factor in raising the standard of artillery reinforcements.
NOTE: On 26 September 1943 Colonel W.A. Townsley, Commanding Officer, 1 Canadian Artillery Reinforcement Unit, recommended Acting Major Wood for the Canada Medal (an award subsequently issued to nobody). The text adds to our knowledge of his career.
This officer was born in Kincaid, Saskatchewan in 1915. After receiving a standard education he qualified as a school teacher 1st Class and was so employed until enlistment in July 1940. Proceeding overseas in the rank of Captain, November 1941, he followed through various courses and training in the 17 Field Regiment, Royal Canadian Artillery, earning for himself a record of industry and efficiency. In May 1942 Major Wood, while on training, met with a serious accident resulting in head injuries, partial loss of sight and disfigurement. In hospital he underwent consequent severe operations and on returning to duty became a member of the Instructional Staff of 1 Canadian Artillery Reinforcement Unit, where after command of a Training Battery he was made Chief Instructor in the rank of Major. Although permanently injured and disfigured, this officer has never relaxed in his training or duty. His drive and initiative have placed him in his present responsible post in spite of what he has undergone.
Warrant Officer Class 1 A Wylie MBE
Warrant Officer Class 2 RS Young MBE
Major FB Zink MBE
Photo credit: Contains public sector information licensed under the British Open Government Licence v3.0.