Fifth (BC) Artillery Regiment RCA Foundation

Contact Information:
Fifth (BC) Field Artillery Regiment RCA Foundation
Bay Street Armoury
715 Bay Street
Victoria, BCV8T 1R1
To contact us: Use our contact page
President: Victor Skaarup CD
Vice-President: Philip Sherwin CD
Treasurer: Scott Wisdhahl CD
Secretary: David Ross CD
Museum Director: Craig Cotter CD
Website: Fifth (BC) Artillery Regiment RCA Foundation
Past Appointments
Past Presidents
The Fifth (BC) Field Artillery Regiment RCA Foundation is a not-for-profit foundation registered under the Societies Act of British Columbia whose mission is to preserve and foster the history and traditions of the 5th (BC) Artillery Regiment RCA and its antecedent and descendent military formations and to act as custodian and trustee of the Regiment’s archives and historical property.