Halifax, April 2021
G.D. (Doug) Gallant, Lieutenant Colonel
Commanding Officer, 1st (Halifax-Dartmouth) Field Artillery Regiment, Royal Canadian Artillery
Col Comdt, DArty, DDArty, DDArty Res and Serving Gunners:
I am very pleased to provide a brief sitrep on UBIQUE 150 from the Nova Scotia Gunners. Yesterday was a great launch for UBIQUE 150, the Royal Regiment and for 1st Field Regiment & 84th Indep Fd Bty. The day was comprised of a number of serials that not only celebrated our heritage but also enabled connection with our communities within the limitations imposed by our current operating environment.
1st Fd Regt / RHQ / 51 Bty
· 51 Bty conducted a Gun Salute coordinated with the Halifax Citadel’s 3rd Bde RA Noon Gun Det (though the Halifax Citadel Society supported by Parks Canada Staff) to contrast the 12 Pdr SBML with a Det from 51 Bty 1 Gun 1Rd FFE. Despite the downpour, a group photo was taken (see attached). HCol Sobey, RSM DeGruchy and I stood in review.
· Last night the Regiment paraded to conduct a Patch Parade. HCol Sobey and I supported by RSM DeGruchy presented all soldiers and officers of RHQ and 51 Bty with the UBIQUE 150 Patch. Following the parade, we enjoyed a marvelous cake prepared for us by our 2IC’s, Maj Stephen Misner, spouse. Special thanks go to Mrs. Amber Misner for enhancing our celebration.
84th Ind Fd Bty
· HLCol Irene d’Entremont joined Bty Comd Tm (Capt Peter Andrews & WO Nicholas Robicheau) as 84th Bty was welcomed by her Worship Mayor Pam Mood, Town of Yarmouth to raise the Artillery Flag at Town Hall
· 84th Bty also conducted a Patch Parade where HLCol d’Entremont presented the UBIQUE 150 Patch to our gunners in the Yarmouth Garrison. Celebration concluded with pizza and Artillery cake
· 84th Bty was set to conduct 1 Gun Salute prior to the Patch Parade at 1930 but postponed due to significantly inclement weather. Will be rescheduled at our earliest opportunity
All in all, it was a fantastic day for the Regiment. More events are planned including a proclamation in Yarmouth, potential event with the Royal Nova Scotia International Tattoo along with the serials already captured in MEL communicated on the 5XX MEL.